Feb 18, 2011

Weekend Plans

Whoooo Hooooo. The 3 day weekend is here.  Man I am looking forward to this.  So much to do and so little time.  The plan was to go to Devils Chasm in the Sierra Ancha Wilderness but it is supposed to rain and snow all weekend which could put a damper on that plan.  I may still go but know this, I have been back there before and it is not an easy trip to get to the trail head.  You have to cross several creeks.....including this one.....Photobucket and with the coming rain and snow, they should be pretty full and running fast.  I like a challenge though.  Its pretty much 4x4 roads to get back to the trail head.

Once your at the trail head, its a 2 mile hike back to the base of the ruins which date back to approx. 1400ad if memory serves correct.  Its up on a cliff so climbing skills is a must.  Here's a internet photo of the rewards though.

and the trail that gets you there.....if you can call it a trail

so none-the-less.  Lots of rain, impassable roads, extreme hiking in possible snow, cold conditions, an overgrown "trail",  rock climbing in bad weather and me taking no gear except a butter knife.  Sounds like a great weekend to me.  If you never hear another blog again, send someone to find my body.

Now on Sunday I have church.  I am very excited about it too.  I love our church and our pastor does an excellent job of making a lot of deep sense of the bible.  Monday I have a DR. appt.  annual physical.  I just had one is September so really this is to get some cholesterol meds to lower that bad boy.  I am on a quest to lose weight and get my heart back in shape for the upcoming warrior dash in April.

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