Feb 21, 2011

The wormhole

So I just finished watching Into the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman.  If you have not watched it, its a pretty interesting TV show about the universe.  This time around, they talked about the possibility of life elsewhere outside earth.  Being a Christian, I believe in Creationism.  I believe we were created by GOD and not some cosmic accident. With that said, lets play a little game called suppose.

Suppose that life on earth has evolved into what it is today.  We are a cosmic accident.  The facts are that the building blocks of life are floating around in space just waiting for them to hit each other and then find a planet that will sustain life.  The odds are zillions and zillions to one.  The universe is a never ending place.  That's really hard for us to get our finite  minds around. Think of it this way.  Our solar system is the size of a particle of a grain of sand of all the sand on our planet.  Not a whole grain but a particle of a grain of sand.  Now there is another particle of a grain of sand floating around (actually about a million of them) that need to connect all together and land on another particle of a grain of sand just to create an atom that would create the chance for life's evolution. 

The universe has been around for billions of years....well, forever.  Our solar system may be young in comparison and even that, scientist really don't know the true age of our solar system.  So suppose that we did evolve from something floating around in the water.  That took billions of years also.  IF there were life on another planet somewhere out in that universe, it could be that it is in its infant stages.  Life elsewhere could be a simple single cell organism that has not yet evolved and, perhaps, never will. 

Lets face it.  To sustain life, everything has to work in perfect conjunction with each other.  Too hot of cold or too much water or not enough and its over.  If even one small detail changes, life ends.  Couple those incredible odds with the odds of those particles of life connecting to each other in the universe somewhere AND finding a planet that will sustain life somewhere and we are talking maybe a 1.0 in a 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,
000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,000,000,000,000,000.00 chance.  For my money, those are pretty long odds and my math may be off by zillions and zillions.

Have no doubt, it could happen but if you think about  it, the sheer volume of chance it would take, we are lucky as humans, and life in general, to have made it past the amoeba stage.  Listen, the universe is very, very large.  We have explored maybe less than 1/1 kabillionzilliontrillionith of it.  Let me break it down for you.  If light travels at 186282 miles per second.  (and that is transparent light not refractive or visible light)  So at 186282 miles per second, it takes 20000 light years just to see Denebs (a star 60,000 times brighter than our sun) light.  That's a lot of time and universe which equates to a lot of space for those little particles of grains of sand to find each other to create something that would create life...

So what does all this mean.  Is there alien life?  Well, with all the odds and chances involved, I would say no.  You had better hit your knees and start praying for forgiveness.  God is merciful and has shown his grace and will forgive you.  BUT....lets just say there is life elsewhere, it is not as advanced as ours and is just a living organism...maybe.  Pretty sad to think we are the smartest beings in the known and unknown universe huh?

Sorry Mr. Freeman.  The odds are just to great to back your theories.

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